news update: (Dec 16-21) from Elaine
We enjoyed a special advent service with Rev Elaine on December 19th. You can read her full service under the reflections tab. Elaine forwarded this message for us to share, so we thought we…
We enjoyed a special advent service with Rev Elaine on December 19th. You can read her full service under the reflections tab. Elaine forwarded this message for us to share, so we thought we…
Denman Sponsorship Group: Check out this new website and heartfelt project launched by a group of Denman women. These caring women have come together to sponsor two sisters from Afghanistan who are applying to…
GATHERING AND GREETING Welcome & Announcements Because we haven’t been lighting the Advent candles for the past few weeks and Christmas is just around the corner, this service combines the Christmas story with the…
This was our first Earth Church held in the Sanctuary and our first service led by Reverend Jennifer Lee (Life Cycle Celebrant and minister of the Canadian International Metaphysical Church of Canada). Sheelah Megill provided…
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” An invitation to worship and reflection for the 2ND Sunday in Advent Music Leadership: Sheelah Megill GATHERING AND GREETING As we gather, we acknowledge…
Here is an update from our Celeste Wilder. Thank you, Celeste! Hi Denman United! It’s been ages. I thought I’d just touch base and say hello, as you may have been wondering what’s up…
Together, we celebrate and learn from each other. We value friendship, support, inclusiveness, and accessibility. Through worship, music, contemplation, visual art, social justice and environmental activism, we help build a more resilient and sustainable community.