Here’s hoping (for the 1st Sunday in Advent): Rev Ted Hicks, Nov 27th
TO BEGIN In many churches during Advent, it is common to light candles each week to mark the themes of Advent. You may want to light a candle as you settle in to consider…
TO BEGIN In many churches during Advent, it is common to light candles each week to mark the themes of Advent. You may want to light a candle as you settle in to consider…
♬ You are invited to stand, if you are able and comfortable, for the sung portions of the service. Please wear your mask for singing. Bold print in bulletin – congregation GATHERING AND…
SCRIPTURE TO PONDER from the gospel of Matthew, chapter 10, verses 29&30 In this portion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches … “For only a penny you can buy two sparrows, yet…
REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY MUSIC LEADERSHIP: SHEELAH MEGILL & DONNA CROZIER “Power corrupts ….” (Lord Acton) “Blessed are the meek ….” (Jesus of Nazareth) An invitation to worship and reflection for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost…
Some artists from our community and members of our congregation are involved in a ‘Mary-Me project’. They are creatively exploring the various aspects of Mary in the Bible – Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and…
It is fun to see what other churches are doing around Advent. Here is a lovely invitation from the United Church on Quadra from a couple of years ago. This encourages us to light…
Together, we celebrate and learn from each other. We value friendship, support, inclusiveness, and accessibility. Through worship, music, contemplation, visual art, social justice and environmental activism, we help build a more resilient and sustainable community.