Embracing Spirit Innovation Grant Application
Church Improvement Grant Application
UCC grant opportunities:
Sample grant application: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1hcehytsh06hp72/LOI%20Opportunities%20Fund%20-%20comments.docx?dl=0 Presentation about best practices: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y9xl9kvdn22n22a/Show%20Me%20The%20Money.pptx?dl=0 List of United Church related grants: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/io19jh0co52bzz0/AACOXKjCh0D3OqKL9NiyM_-pa?dl=0 List of top non-church grants awarded to United Churches: https://buyingunited.net/grantsIf you would like us to do a search of Grant Connect, please let us know what search words are a good fit for your community of faith & we will send you back a list.If you are considering applying for an Embracing the Spirit grant, the next due date is October 15th.
Innovation Grants $500 – $5000 : https://www.united-church.ca/community-and-faith/being-community/embracing-spirit/innovation-grants Growth Grants >$5000 – $25000:https://www.united-church.ca/community-faith/being-community/embracing-spirit/how-grow-your-idea