News update: Magic is Alive – Elements of Creation workshop Oct 13th -15th

We hope you will consider participating in the Elements of Creation Workshop, October 13(evening) & 14, 15 at The Gathering Place of the Denman Island United Church.

Our weekend together will focus on experiencing personal connection with the Elements of Creation: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit – the four sacred components of Planet Earth with Spirit being the quintessence. We will use tools of energy awareness, guided visualisation, story, movement, song, ritual creation and Earth Magic.

We will be led by Oriana and Ruby who will draw on their 30 years of experience teaching at Witchcamps and leading ritual in the Reclaiming Tradition ( We draw on these deep roots of the activist Reclaiming tradition and share common ground with the many diverse traditions and paths which honour and hold the Earth and Her elemental components as Sacred.

We will build on our common ground and diversity, creating paths and practices which nurture awareness of Spirit, Gaia, Goddess, and nourishing our reverence for Earth. This workshop directly addresses the despair and hopelessness felt by so many around the multi-level crisis we are witnessing. Our experience of and communication with nature moves us from hopelessness to effective engagement, from theory to practice. Changing consciousness at will.

We are very grateful to the United Church of Canada for a ‘Seeds of Hope Grant’. This helps us to present this workshop, provide meals  and offer the following sliding scale. $250 – $50

For info and registration contact:

Helen Wilson 335-0029

Wendy Pope (250) 218-3148

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