We held our AGM on June 1st. We are pleased to welcome two new Directors to our Board. Liticia Gardner and Sheelah MeGill are now Directors, with Sheelah serving as our representative to the Pacific Mountain Region. We are so delighted that they are willing to contribute their beautiful energy and skills to the ongoing life of Denman Island United.
Sussan Thomson retires as Secretary and Heather McLean, who has long served as a Director of DUIC, will assume that role. Otherwise, the Board will stay the same with Helen Wilson continuing as Chair and Wendy Pope as Treasurer. Tish and Mike Scott and Heather McLean remain as Trustees with Rev. Elaine Julian as an ex-officio Trustee.
Reverend Elaine Julian also announced that she will retire as our Pastoral Charge Supervisor when a new appointment is made. We will say a more fitting good bye to Elaine when the time comes. She has been a wonderful leader for us through these times!