This week we celebrated Candlemas and individuals and household groups visited the Sanctuary for individual prayer, contemplation and to light candles. This was the handout description for the event:
There are many cultural expressions of noting and celebrating this time of year when we feel Life, Nature, Spirit beginning to awaken towards the end of winter. Candlemass draws from many traditions to mark the midpoint between the Winter and Spring solstice.
In the Christian tradition, Candlemass marks the end of the season of Epiphany. It commemorates the re-uniting of Mary and Joseph with their community after the birth of Jesus; the presentation of their infant at the Temple according to the required Jewish ritual. The story is told of Simeon, a very “old, devout and righteous” man who went to the temple daily, waiting for the promised Messiah. As soon as Simeon saw Jesus he swept the infant up in his arms and cried out, “I can now depart in peace. For I have finally seen “God’s promised one”. Simeon recognized and held the one for whom he had longed; the one whose teachings and life in unity with the Divine would reveal a way to peace, right living and justice for all.
In the Celtic tradition Candlemass is a festival celebrating Brigid; the goddess of healing, childbirth, poetry and smithcraft. It is also referred to as Imbolc (translated “in the belly”) which in the Celtic calendar, is the beginning of Spring… the lambing season. The Celtic tradition recognizes, honours and celebrates Divine Presence in of all of creation and its life cycles.
The lighting of candles is an age old, universal and simple way of invoking Presence and focusing our attention. The flame reminds us of the energy both within and beyond ourselves on which we depend and that is always present to be drawn upon. The soft glow of the flame sheds hope and a hint of joy. The very essence of the flame radiates a sense of peace; a reminder that ultimately “all is well.”
Today, as we light our candle(s), we are invited to consciously bring to the moment whatever is present in us. Our deepest longings… for ourselves, for another, or for a particular situation. Perhaps we light the candle as an expression of gratitude. We may have nothing to bring but the simple act off adding hope and light to the world. What an honour to participate in Life’s mysterious unfolding in our own unique way through this simple act.